“Armed with a Book” tackles Kneading Journalism

Since I published Kneading Journalism I’ve connected with some amazing members of the book reviewing community, including a recent review and exchange with Kriti at Armed with a Book.

Discerning and prolific readers like Kriti experience vast amounts of written content (like journalists). With such a volume, they have a more refined palate which which they sample books, and engage with the main thoughts.

In the author Q&A, Kriti gave me another opportunity to expand on some ideas in the book, and venture into other territory. As the author, it’s nice to be able to reformulate what brought Kneading Journalism to life as a concept (and seems to be resonating with readers), and reiterate that I tried to focus on nutrition along with novelty

For me, the intersection is fundamental: we need bread to live, and sharing and creating bread is an act of community. We need quality journalism as part of thriving constitutional liberalism (distinct from democracy, as Fareed Zakaria argued), which defines my perspective on society and community. Do I think journalism is as important as bread to the individual? As much as I would like to say yes, the plain truth is no: people need bread more than they need news. But if we see a renewed covenant between journalists and the public as a way to bolster community through documentation and reflection, then we’re on interesting ground. 

Another important point that I make in my book, and it bears repeating, is about the role and attention on philanthropic initiatives for journalism. I’ve noticed a vibrant community of non-profits and corporate sponsorship aimed at supporting various journalism initiatives. I worry that many of these projects are treating symptoms and not diseases that afflict journalism.

Unless and until the public is convinced that journalism is worth money (and the expectation that all content is free has been corrosive), we don’t have a sustainable path forward. Hand-outs from philanthropy is not a business plan. As I told Kriti:

Ultimately journalism needs to recalibrate the supply and demand equation while proving its value. The airwaves have plenty of supply, and a lot of it is low value content. Can the public be convinced to rush from quantity to quality? I hope so…but a lot of things will need to work in concert to move the needle in the right direction.

Kneading Journalism added to SUNY library to honor student

One great thing about having a book about journalism and bread out in the wild is it can show up just about anywhere, like SUNY Oneonta. The Milne Library at the State University of New York in Oneonta (not far from Cooperstown) added Kneading Journalism to their collection as part of a student recognition program. Here’s a blurb from SUNY Oneonta’s website:

"The SUNY Oneonta Foundation and SUNY Oneonta Alumni Association recognize Academic Achievement Award recipients by having the name of each student honoree printed on an individual Alumni Association bookplate, which is placed in a contemporary book related to the student's major.  The availability of books, online periodicals, subscriptions and other resources through Milne Library is supported by a significant SUNY Oneonta Foundation endowed fund and annual gifts from alumni, parents, faculty and staff to the Fund for Oneonta."

The fine librarians at the Milne Library gave Kneading Journalism a home to honor Kyra Hernandez, a Communications and Media student.

I only came across this development by chance, as I keep an eye on WorldCat, the system with library indexing and stocking information. It’s a tremendous honor to be in six libraries so far in the US with physical books, and many others in audiobook and ebook formats.

Thanks to SUNY Oneonta, and best of luck to Kyra Hernandez, wherever her studies take her!

Book review: Kneading Journalism is not ’empty calories’

Kneading Journalism is a book with an off-beat angle (mixing bread and journalism), but one that seems to be resonating with some discerning readers and reviews looking for more than empty or hollow content.

After earning such positive reviews from blogs including Rosie’s Book Review Team, part of me worried it would be hard to catch lightning in a bottle, but then it struck again!

In many ways, Ganzer’s essays serve as lessons in demystifying the Fourth Estate, this is not big, splashy journalism. There are harrowing moments, but Ganzer is hardly writing a war correspondent’s memoir […] Meditation and reflection fuel this collection, not adrenaline.

Jenni deBie, reviewer for Rosie Amber’s book blog

In an unexpected turn, another one of the reviewers for Rosie Amber’s blog also gave Kneading Journalism a look, and produced another insightful exploration of what I tried to do in the essays.

Warm and wholesome as any well baked loaf, Kneading Journalism is more than just good reading, it is nourishment for the mind in a time when many of us, myself included, want desperately more than empty calories.

Jenni deBie, reviewer for Rosie Amber’s book blog

I encourage you to read the whole review, and if you pick up a copy yourself please consider leaving a review on Goodreads or your site of choice.

This first year of being a published author has been a learning experience. I’m thankful that we’re building a small but mighty group of discerning readers and thinkers to tackle journalism and bread, head-on.

Kneading Journalism featured by Rosie’s Book Review Team

Once Kneading Journalism made its way into the world, I didn’t know what may come, especially with a formal book review.

Despite the book’s unique premise, I’ve had pretty positive responses from both readers with some bread or journalism knowledge, and others with none. Getting the book in front of reviewers poses a challenge, however. The unique premise doesn’t fit into the box of romance or fantasy or crime or any of the other genres which have large followings of readers and reviewers.

So I’ve tried to seek out people with an open mind; people who seem willing to give Kneading Journalism a fair chance. And Rosie’s Book Review Crew definitely fit that bill.

Thoughtful and fair

Rosie Amber has a community of readers built to provide just the kind of thoughtful verdict I was hoping for with Kneading Journalism.

One reader — Just Olga is her blog — dove into the book and seemed to right away understand the core purpose of these essays: demystify journalism, provide some personal context and reflection, and throw in some bread.

This is a deeply personal and passionate book, one born of deep thought and reflection, and beautifully and compellingly written […] I recommend this short book to readers interested in journalism, its evolution, and its connection with society, and also to anybody who loves baking and bread. I look forward to reading more books by this author and discovering where he is going next.

Excerpt from Olga’s review

If you want to have a steady stream of book reviews from a thoughtful and engaged community, I do encourage you to check out Rosie Amber, Olga, and so many others.

I’m thankful to have been given a chance to share this project with such discerning readers, and I hope others will be inspired to give Kneading Journalism a chance!

Irresponsible Reader tackles Kneading Journalism

Submitting my book to a reviewer whose blog is called “The Irresponsible Reader” may seem a curious choice. But scanning H.C. Newton’s approach to reviews gave me some sense that Kneading Journalism would get a fair shake.

The thoughtfulness in this review and in the questions from a Q&A are truly a gift.

I’m incredibly grateful for H.C. Newton’s care in the approach to this review which I think makes a case that the “irresponsible reader” takes the craft of reviewing seriously, with the end product being discerning and fair.

My mixture of bread and journalism (what I was most unsure about in creating the book) went over well, eliciting about the best reaction to the book I could ever hope for:

I spent time afterward thinking about the individual essays as well as the book as a whole. Both in terms of the content of the essays as well as in how to apply and evaluate what I read/watch.

H.C. Newton

One of his other observations is something I’ve thought about with this book project, on readership and visibility. Of course I’ve published the essays in multiple formats. Of course I have tried to get the word out about it. But there’s no guarantee that Kneading Journalism will reach everyone who might benefit from its approach.

I’m afraid this isn’t going to find the readership it deserves—but I hope it does find readers that the message resonates with and that they can at least spread the ideas and carry them into their own lives and media consumption. It’s something all Americans need to think about before it’s too late.

H.C. Newton

I’m thankful for H.C. to have given me and Kneading Journalism a fair hearing. Through this project, I am trying to contribute something positive to the dialogue around journalism, and hope it reaches the discerning readers and bakers who can use it.

I do encourage you to read the review on H.C.’s website, and check it out if you’re in the market for smart book reviews!

Kneading Journalism Egypt excerpt in Current

Incredibly thankful to Current: News for Public Media and its digital editor Mike Janssen for publishing an adapted excerpt and recipe from Kneading Journalism. As some of my readers will know, Current is the main trade publication for US public media news…and now sometimes bread recipes.

Mike suggested adapting my essay on my reporting trip to Egypt to introduce the book to readers, and I gladly accepted. Some of these anecdotes I’ve told friends and colleagues over the years, and being able to put them in the book (and now Current) is a treat.

Out of the tightly layered rows of dusty buildings from Cairo’s core, the Great Pyramid of Giza springs from the desert like the wonder it is. Driving southwest of my hotel near Tahrir Square — the site of the 2011 demonstrations and heart of the revolution — Hamed and I found ourselves at the gates of the Sphinx and pyramids that hold mythic significance for Egypt, the world, and for Hamed personally.

This trip in February 2012 took place during a still turbulent period after the ouster of long-time strongman Hosni Mubarak. Hamed worked as an intervention specialist in Zurich: kind of a mix between a social worker and goodwill ambassador for social services. I met him while reporting a story on homelessness in Zurich for Swiss public radio and managed to earn his trust to learn more of his personal story. (“You have honest eyes,” Hamed told me.) Over an evening of open conversation and a careful ride-along with Hamed and his colleague, I ultimately earned an invite to join him on a visit to a still evolving post-revolutionary reality of his hometown. I would create a series of reports acting as a profile of Hamed, while also providing a snapshot of Egypt’s tenuous political situation.

Part of an excerpt of Kneading Journalism for Current.org

Check out Current for the full adaptation, and consider watching one of my older baking videos if you want to hear the stories as I bake Egyptian Fino Bread!

As I noted in a post about “the hustle” seen in Cairo, the city was an amazing place, and I was fortunate to briefly visit and report from there. It was a very foreign environment for me, but most of my interactions were greatly positive.

“As surreal, and as special as that adventure was, I still draw from those memories in my current life in Cleveland, and will likely do so for the rest of my days,” I wrote. “Sometimes I wish I didn’t see so many connections between Cairo-in-flux and an American city.  But I hope reflecting on, and savoring, my past experiences help make for a more enriched present and future.”

No thanks
